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- Museum of Medical History
Educational Enrichment Programs
The University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) sponsors various programs designed to provide learning opportunities to individuals from the community with interests in the health sciences. These educational enrichment programs are designed to increase knowledge and awareness of the basic and clinical sciences and to promote future professional development.
UMMC educational enrichment programs must be registered and approved by the Office of Academic Affiliations in the Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
UMMC departments interested in managing an educational enrichment program must complete all requirements found at Educational Enrichments Program Application and Registration (intranet).
See below for a current list of UMMC educational enrichment programs.
- Asylum Hill Project Field School
- Base Pair (BP)
- Discovery U
- ESTEEM MCAT Prep Program
- Insight Summer Enrichment Program
- MCCTR Mentoring Academy
- Mississippi Academy for Simulation Training (MAST)
- Mississippi IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE)
- Mississippi Oral Science Research Experience (MOSRE)
- Mosaic Summer Enrichment Program
- MS Rural Dentists Scholarship Program (MRDSP)
- MS Rural Physicians Scholarship Program (MRPSP)
- PreMatriculation Program (PreMat)
- Project SEARCH
- Promoting Recruitment Opportunities in Medicine with Individual Study Experiences (PROMISE)
- Shaping Minds to Inspire, Lead, and Explore (SMILE U)
- Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
- UMMC-MSU Engineering Excellence in Device Design (UMEEDD)
- Undergraduate and Professional Student Training in Advanced Research Techniques (UPSTART)
For questions, email the Office of Academic Affiliations.